Ready to Enroll?

If you are a new hire to Clorox, you need to enroll within 31 days of your hire date (including hire date) to have coverage for 2025. Otherwise, you will not be able to elect coverage until the next Annual Enrollment period in the fall, unless you have a qualifying life event (i.e., marriage, divorce, or having or adopting a child). You have 3 ways to enroll:

EmpyreanGo App

Search for EmpyreanGO in the app store or click the buttons from your mobile device to directly download it.


*Single sign-on with The Well > U.S. Total Rewards > Health & Welfare Service Center

Health & Welfare Service Center

Monday – Friday
6:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Open Enrollment is Coming!
Go Now